17 – 19 November 2021
The IV International Industrial Exhibition "EXPO-RUSSIA VIETNAM-2021" will be held and Vietnam-Russia Interregional Business Forum will be held at the National Exhibition Construction Center - NECC.

The event is organized by "ZarubezhExpo" JSC and SRV CCI.

Thematic sections of the exhibition:
- Energetics .
- Aviation and railway transport
- Petrochemical and gas industry
- Agroindustrial complex
- Innovative industries
- Medicine and pharmaceutics
- Education and Science
- Scope of services

Round tables and an international conference "On the use of preferences arising from the creation of the Free Trade Zone between Vietnam and the EAEC" together with the Ministry of SRV are planned.

There will be plenary sessions on "Development of infrastructure "Digital Economy" in 2021" and "Joint energy projects as a factor in strengthening bilateral relations between Russia and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region". The heads of executive power in the regions of SRV will take part in the discussion.

The enterprises of the Vladimir region are invited to participate.
Detailed information on participation in the exhibition can be obtained by phone at 8(495)721-32-36, 8(495)637-50-79, by e-mail: info@zarubezhexpo.ru and at www.zarubezhexpo.ru.


19 June 2023
Regional News

On July 21, 2023, the Government of the Vladimir Region represented by Non-profit organization "Export Support Center of the Vladimir Region" organizes the International Day in the Vladimir Region

17 June 2021
Regional News

As part of the national projects "International Cooperation and Export", "Small and Medium Entrepreneurship" Export Support Center held a meeting of Vladimir entrepreneurs with the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Azerbaijan.